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Read the terms and conditions
I give my consent to the processing by the Personal Data Administrator: Fundacja Bielecki Art based in Kraków, ul. Bociana 6, 31-231 Kraków (KRS: 0000340956) of my personal data in the scope of: name and surname, contact details: address, telephone number, e-mail address, year of birth in order to participate in the Competition held as part of the Festival: "Screen & Sound Fest. Let's See The Music "(VIII edition 2020) in accordance with the Competition Regulations. 

The particulars regarding the name and surname of the authors of chosen competition works will be made available to the public in accordance with the Competition Regulations.

Your providing of the personal data indicated above is necessary to participate in the Competition. 
The data processing starts at the moment of opening an account on the Festival website, in pursuance of the provisions of the Competition Regulations. 
You have the right to access your data and the right to rectify, delete, restrict the processing, the right to data transfer, the right to object, as to the processing of data, as well as the right to withdraw consent to processing at any time.
The Personal Data Administrator enables you to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data after logging into your account by selecting the option "withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data". A withdrawal of consent will result in excluding you from the participation in the Competition and the deletion of all personal data and submitted competition materials by the Administrator. A withdrawal of consent to the processing of the data does not affect the lawfulness of the processing, which was conducted on the grounds of consent given before its withdrawal.
Read the terms and conditions


Screen & Sound Fest. - Let's See The Music

(8th edition 2020)



§ 1. General Provisions

  1. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as Regulations) specify the terms and conditions on which the competition held during the Festival: Screen & Sound Fest - Let's See The Music (8th edition 2020) MUSIC - FILM - HOPE, hereinafter referred to as "the Competition"  takes place.
  2. The Competition Organizer is the Bielecki Art Foundation with its registered office in Kraków at ul. Bociana 6, 31-231 Cracow, entered in the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and public health care facilities and Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court of Kraków - Śródmieście in Cracow, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000340956, REGON: 121072997; NIP (Tax Identification Number): 945–213–42-58, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer".
  3. Information on the Competition is available at the Organizer's headquarters and on the Festival's Website at, hereinafter referred to as "Competition Website".
  4. Festival fanpage - 
  5. Contact with the Competition Organizer: e-mail:, telephone:+ 48 605 077 066.

§ 2. Subject of the competition

  1. The competition entry consists in creating an original, artistic visualization, in any film technique, to any music track lasting from 3.00 to 4.00 minutes chosen by the participant.
  2. Screen & Sound Fest. - Let's See The Music (8th edition 2020) program slogan: MUSIC - FILM - HOPE.
  3. The participant may choose any song for the purposes of creating a competition entry provided that he has the copyright (license) and related rights to it and to artistic performance of it or if the rights to the song and its performance have expired (public domain).
  4. In addition to the visualization to the full version of the musical work, the Participant creates and sends to the Organizer:
    1. trailer - in the form of a short film lasting up to 30 seconds in which the Participant will present himself and his competition entry in person;
    2. freeze frame - one selected image from the visualization identifying the competition entry;
    3. film specifications - an indication of the title of the competition entry, the title of the song used for its creation, its authors and performers and producer.
  5. One Participant may submit more than one competition entry in the Competition.
  6. Only works that have not been submitted to other competitions or festival reviews can be submitted to the Competition.
  7. The file containing the competition entry should be prepared in accordance with with the technical requirements set out in Annex No. 1 to these Regulations.


§ 3. Competition stages

The Competition shall be carried out in the following stages:

    1. launch and announcement of the Competition: 7/10/2020;
    2. deadline for submitting competition entries: from 7/10/2020 to 9/30/2020 (by 11:59 PM);
    3. announcement of competition entries nominated for awards in the Competition and start of the Internet voting for the audience winner: from 9/10/2020 to 10/20/2020;
    4. Competition Finals: announcement of the Competition Winners on the Competition Website and on the Festival fanpage: planned for 10/30/2020.


§ 4. Competition Participant and application for participation in the Competition

  1. Artists from around the world may participate in the Competition.
  2. A participant in the Competition may be an adult natural person and shall enter the Competition by registering on the Competition Website. Minors may enter the Competition and obtain Participant status after obtaining written consent of their legal guardian and handing it over to the Organizer.
  3. In order to participate in the Competition you must submit an application for the Competition and send a file containing the competition entry with trailer and freeze-frame identifying the entry attached to the Organizer by 9/30/2020 (by 11:59 PM), pursuant to Paragraph 2 item 4 and with Annex No. 1 to these Regulations. The date of receipt of the application and competition entry by the Competition Organizer is decisive.
  4. Applications shall be made only by completing the application form located on the Competition Website. The form contains mandatory fields (first name, last name, signature, email address, password, residential address, telephone number). In the entry form there is also a field regarding the Participant's year of birth. Filling in this field is voluntary for all Participants except persons who are underage and consent of their legal guardians is required for them to participate in the Competition. Minors must fill in the field regarding their year of birth.
  5. File containing the competition entry (or files in case of submitting more competition entries) shall be sent by the Participant only via the account registered on the Competition Website. It is not possible to submit your competition entry via a mobile device.
  6. The Competition Organizer shall not return the submitted competition entries, visualizations, films or other materials.
  7. The Participant may enter the Competition provided that he gives voluntary consent to the processing of personal data and accepts these Regulations. Provision of consent and acceptance of these Regulations is made by ticking the appropriate boxes on the Competition Website when registering the account.
  8. The Organizer has the right to ask the Participants to confirm acceptance of the Regulations in a written form. In the case of Minors, a legal representative confirms the declaration of acceptance of the Regulations in writing.
  9. In case the Organizer has doubts regarding the identity of the Participant or his age, the Organizer has the right to contact the Participant in order to confirm the correctness of the data provided during registration.

§ 5. Prizes and costs


  1. The following will be selected in the Competition:
    1. three equal Winners of the Competition - by votes of the Jury;
    2. Audience Winner - by votes of online audience.
  2. There are four equivalent Prizes in the Competition (one for each of the Competition Winners and one for the Audience Winner).
  3. The prize for the Competition Winners (including the Audience Winner) is an in-kind prize in the form of participation in the at least 3-day long workshops, meetings and presentations for filmmakers or animators, taking place in a culture center chosen by the Organizer, located in Europe in time set by the Organizer in 2021. The prize also includes transport costs, meals and accommodation.
  4. A detailed description of the Prize will be posted on the Competition Website.
  5. The expected date of the prize implementation is April-June 2021 and the final date will be indicated by the Organizer, while the Organizer reserves the right to postpone this deadline for independent reasons, in particular related to the pandemic threat.
  6. In the event that awarding of the Prize obliges the Participant to pay income tax, the Organizer shall grant to a given Participant an additional cash prize in the amount of the tax in question and will pay it to the benefit of the competent tax office.
  7. The participant is obliged to provide the Organizer with all information required for the correct payment of income tax, including information needed to correctly complete the PIT-8AR form.
  8. The prize cannot be exchanged for another prize or its monetary equivalent.
  9. The Participant who has been awarded a prize cannot transfer the rights to it to any third parties.
  10. The Participant who has been awarded the prize has the right to waive the right to this prize by submitting an appropriate statement to the Organizer in writing.
  11. The winner loses the right to the prize without any claims against the Organizer, if the personal data or statements provided by him are proven untrue.
  12. All costs of creating, recording and sending competition entries and applying for the Competition are covered by the Competition Participants.




§ 6. The course of the Competition

  1. The Organizer appoints a Jury comprised of 4 members. The composition of the Jury will be announced on the Competition Website.
  2. The Jury of the Competition evaluates the submitted competition entries at the meeting organized at the seat of the Prize organizer and selects the Prize Winners.
  3. The Jury of the Prize makes decisions in an open vote by ordinary majority of votes. A quorum of three Prize Jury members is required to make the decision. If votes are tied, the President shall have the casting vote.
  4. The qualifying commission appointed by the Organizer makes a preliminary selection of the submitted competition entries and qualifies entries that meet the requirements of these Regulations.
  5. From among the entries qualified for the Competition by the Qualifying Commission, the Competition Jury nominates a maximum of 18 competition entries to obtain the title of Competition Winner and Audience Winner. The names of the authors of the nominated entries will be published on the Competition Website and on the Festival Fanpage on 10/09/2020.The nominated entries will be presented on the Competition Website.
  6. From among the nominated entries, the Jury will select the three best ones awarding them equal titles of the Winner of the Screen & Sound Fest Competition.  Let's See The Music (8th edition 2020): MUSIC - FILM - HOPE.
  7. The sessions of the Jury shall be confidential and its decisions shall be final, i.e. not subject to any verification.
  8. The Audience Winner will be selected through online voting. The voting regulations have been published on the Competition Website.
  9. The names of all Winners will be published on the Competition Website and on Festival fanpage on 10/30/2020, however the Organizer reserves the right to delay in the publication of the results of the Competition, if this is required for reasons beyond him.


§ 7. Copyright and related rights

  1. The Organizer imposes on Participants, the obligation to use only musical works and their artistic performances to which the participant has copyright (or license, i.e. obtained consent of the creators) and related rights (or license, i.e. the consent of the performers and producer of the recording) or such works and their artistic performances, which are in the so-called public domain (rights to them have expired) in the process of creating the competition entries.
  2. The Competition Participant declares that the work and the artistic performance he used when preparing the competition entry, meet the requirements, referred to in item 1 above.
  3. 3. The Competition Participant declares that he is entitled to any exclusive rights to competition entries submitted by him (in the scope of visualization) and other materials sent to the Organizer by the Participant in connection with the Competition, in particular copyright and related rights.
  4. 4. The Participant of the Competition declares that the publication of competition entries as well as other materials sent to the Organizer in connection with the Competition will not infringe on anyone's rights or personal interests of third parties, in particular the rights to one's image, copyright and related rights to visualization and musical works, as well as that he has the right to grant the authorization referred to in the next paragraph to the Organizer.
  5. 5. Competition participants authorize (grant licenses) to the Organizer to use and dispose of entries submitted to the Competition (visualizations together with used musical works and its artistic performance as well as phonogram) and other materials sent to the Organizer in  connection with the Competition, in an unlimited territorial, and temporal way and as to the number of reproductions in the following fields of use:
    1. recording in all available forms (photography, audio, video)
    2. reproductions on all sound and image media
    3. entering into a computer memory,
    4. public sharing in such a way that everyone can have access to them at a place and time of their choice, including via the Internet (especially on YouTube)
    5. public reproduction and public display
    6. wireless, wired, satellite broadcasting, re-broadcasting and retransmission, including the presentation of works with background music performed "live", each time in the context of their connection to the Festival, especially for the needs of implementation of the Competition in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, and promotion of the Festival, including its subsequent editions and with the right of use, in the above mentioned respect, of the image of everyone recorded in the content of competition entries and other materials sent to the Organizer in connection with the Competition. The Organizer has the right to also use selected fragments of entries mentioned above in above mentioned scope and in the listed fields of use. Granting the above authorization (license) takes place free of charge.
  6. When publishing competition entries, the authorship of the entry will be marked in accordance with author's indication.
  7. In the event of claims against the Organizer by third parties for violation of any rights in connection with publicity / use of competition entries or other materials sent to the Organizer in connection with the Competition in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, in particular copyright, related rights or personal rights of third parties, the Competition Participant releases the Organizer with all liability, in particular legal and financial, towards these people and undertakes to satisfy all these claims.
  8. The Organizer has the right to ask the Participants to confirm the above mentioned statements and obligations in writing.
  9. In the case of underage Competition Participants, a statutory representative confirms the above statements and obligations of the Participant in writing.




§ 8. Personal data


  1. By entering the Competition, Participants voluntarily agree to the processing of their personal data, on the principles set out in these Regulations. The administrator of personal data of Participants within the meaning of the GDPR, i.e. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is the Organizer.
  2. Participants' personal data: first and last name, contact details: home address, telephone number, email address, year of birth will be processed by the Organizer for the purposes related to conducting the Competition and within the scope necessary for its proper conduction, pursuant to art. 6 it. 1 letter a) of the GDPR. Participants' personal data: first and last name and residential address will be processed by the Organizer for the purposes related to establishing and investigating or defense against possible claims, pursuant to art. 6 it. 1 letter f) of the GDPR. Personal data of nominated Participants including first and last name (possibly a nickname) will be published on the Competition Website in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and will be processed by the Organizer also after the end of the Competition in order to inform about the results of the Competition and its course, and in connection with the publication of competition entries in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations in order to indicate the author of the entry, pursuant to art. 6 it. 1 letter b) of the GDPR in connection with letter c) of the GDPR.
  3. The processing of the Participant's personal data begins upon the registration on the Competition Website.
  4. The Participant has the right to access their data and rectify or delete it, restrict its processing, the right to data portability, right to object as to data processing, as well as the right to withdraw consent to processing at any given time.
  5. The Participant's withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data is possible after logging into his account by ticking the "withdrawal of consent" box. Withdrawal of the consent will result in the removal of the Participant from participation in the Competition and removal by the Personal Data Administrator of all personal data and competition materials provided. Withdrawal of consent to data processing does not affect the lawfulness of processing undertaken prior to its withdrawal.
  6. Awarding the Prize and related tax obligations may cause the necessity for the Participant to provide additional personal data in accordance with applicable regulations on accounting and keeping tax documentation. Participant's data in this respect will be processed only for the purposes of paying out the prize and keeping accounting books and tax documentation, pursuant to art. 6 it. 1 letter c) of the GDPR. Refusal to provide data required by applicable regulations will prevent the Participants from collecting the Prize.
  7. Subject to the provisions of the Regulations regarding the publication of Participant's data in order to determine the authorship of the competition entry, the Participant's personal data may be made available to the Organizer's external service providers to the extent necessary for the realization of the processing purposes set out in this paragraph, in particular to providers of technical and organizational infrastructure that is necessary to ensure the operation of the Competition (including those operating ICT systems) and entities authorized under applicable law.
  8. Personal data will be processed by the Organizer:
    1. for the duration of the consent expressed by the Participant and for the time of reaching the goals of the Competition in accordance with the Regulations - in the case of data processed for the purposes of conducting the Competition,
    2. until statute of limitation on claims expires - in the case of data processed for the purposes of investigation / defense against claims,
    3. for the period required by law - in the case of data processed for the purposes of keeping accounting and tax documentation,
    4. for the duration of the consent expressed by the Participant - in the case of data processed for the purposes of informing about the results of the Competition,
    5. for the duration of the authorization indicated in § 7 - in the case of data regarding the authorship of the competition entries, except for a longer period of data storage resulting from applicable law.
  9. Providing personal data by the Participant is voluntary, however refusing to provide it will be tantamount to being unable to participate in the Competition.
  10. The Participant of the Competition may contact the Organizer regarding matters concerning his personal data by traditional mail and e-mail - at the addresses indicated in § 1.
  11. After the Competition, the Participant retains the right to access the content of his data and the right to rectify them if they are incorrect. In specific cases regulated by the law, the Participant has the right to request the deletion of data, restrict processing of data, the right to data portability, right to object to data processing.
  12. It is not expected for the personal data of Participants to be passed to recipients located outside the European Economic Area (European Union countries and Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein), unless such transfer takes place under posting Participants' data on Facebook (Festival fanpage) or YouTube.
  13. The Participant will not be subject to decisions taken in an automated manner (without human intervention) and the Participant's personal data will also not be used for profiling.
  14. The Organizer has the right to ask the Participants to confirm the abovementioned statements of consent to the processing of personal data in writing.
  15. In the case of underage Competition Participants, the legal representative confirms the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data in a written form.
  16. The Participant has the right to file a complaint with the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data if he considers that the processing of personal data of the Participant violates legal provisions, in particular the provisions of the GDPR.


§ 9. Final Provisions


  1. The Regulations are available on the Competition Website.
  2. The Regulations shall enter into force on the day of their publication on the Competition Website.
  3. These Regulations have been made in two language versions: Polish and English. All doubts regarding the provisions of the Regulations will be settled on the basis of the Polish text.
  4. Unless the mandatory provisions of the law state otherwise:
    1. the law applicable to the entire legal relationship between the Competition Participant and the Organizer is Polish law,
    2. Polish courts have jurisdiction to resolve disputes arising from the Regulations and participation in the Competition.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Regulations, but changes may not lead to deterioration of the Participant's legal position or violate the rights acquired by the Participant before making changes to the Regulations, unless an obligation to enter this type of change results from legal provisions. The Organizer will inform about any changes on the Competition Website.
  6. In the event that any of the provisions of the Regulations is in part or in whole invalid by virtue of law, the Organizer undertakes to immediately change it in accordance with the principles provided for in §9 item 5. The invalidity of any of the provisions of the Regulations does not affect the validity of its remaining provisions.
  7. The Competition is not a game of chance within the meaning of the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling (Journal of Laws 2018, item 165, uniform text).




- Technical requirements of the competition entry.















Annex No. 1

Technical requirements of the competition entry


The file you upload will not be modified in any way on the server side. Therefore, we ASK that you comply with the following guidelines. It will make it easier to submit the film to the Competition.

  1. Trailer:
    1. The duration of the trailer cannot exceed 30 seconds.
    2. MP4 file format.
    3. Resolution of 720p (16:9 aspect ratio).
    4. H.264 video compression standard - the film should be recorded in 25 frames progressively (720@25p) using the MP4 container (file should be exported with the .mp4 extension).
    5. AAC audio compression standard.
    6. The transferred file cannot be larger than 180 MB and its bitrate cannot be greater than 4,000 kbps.
  2. Film:
    1. The duration of the film is between 3.00 and 4.00 minutes.
    2. MP4 file format.
    3. Resolution of 720p (16:9 aspect ratio).
    4. H.264 video compression standard - the film should be recorded in 25 frames progressively (720@25p) using the MP4 container (file should be exported with the .mp4 extension).
    5. AAC audio compression standard.
    6. The transferred file cannot be larger than 180 MB and its bitrate cannot be greater than 4,000 kbps.

Remember that films not prepared in accordance with the above specifications will not be qualified for the competition! If you want to check if your film meets the above requirements, use Mediainfo software (this software is often supplied with the Codec Guide: K-Lite Codec Pack).

In order to convert your film to the right format, you can use the free Hand Brake software. 

You can download a test film prepared in accordance with the above specification - in order to compare it with your file. Download link: .